Saturday, June 01, 2002

//* Moved!!! *//

Finally, I have moved! The new address is I will no longer be updating and posting to this blog. I have also disabled the ability to add more comments to the posts here. Please do so at the new site. All the posts and comments here has been transferred there. Thanks!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

//* Movable...*//

It's like I get bored too easily and always need to try out something new to sustain myself. So I am looking at Movable Type (MT) and getting tempted to make the move.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

//* Raining "Meteors" *//


So Channel 8 is showing Meteor Garden and my sister is following the series even though we already have the entire 19 episodes on VCD and she has watched the whole series like twice already. :p

Monday, May 27, 2002

//* No new layout *//

Yep, I'm giving up on a totally new layout for now. Why? Because I don't really know how I want it to be and it is going to take too much time. I might still be making some minor changes, though. This means I should be able to move this blog to its new home within the week...yeah!! :))