Saturday, March 30, 2002

//* Switch *//

I've switched to YACCS for comments. Number of comments for each post is now shown, if there's at least one.

Friday, March 29, 2002

//* A day in the life of ... *//

I had not intended to go down to the roadshow. But Leon called early in the morning to say that POS could not print and want someone to go down to fix it. Jon's handphone was getting directed to his voicemail. So I had to make the trip. When Leon called later to say he has fixed the problem himself, I have already told mum I am going out for lunch. So I went anyway, taking my DC along.

All the marketing people were there, of course. And I began snapping pictures. The crowd was slowly building up. Caught Andrea on candid camera as she walks by. Her order was to, of course, erase the shot. The shot is still, now, in the CF...hehe. After a while, I went off and walked into Carrefour where I bought the GP PowerBank. I need to get rechargeables for the DC that is comsuming alkaline batteries like nobody's business. I got back in time to see Fandi on stage and Elena among the crowd. It was about one past when I bid Andrea goodbye and then lunched at Delifrance. I like Delifrance sandwiches although I regretted ordering the soup. :-(

At home, XP could not start and I spent like 2 hours recovering from the corrupted registry problem. And that's one eventful day in the life of a nerdy blogger from Singapore...:p
//* Different Host *//

I have been thinking about moving out of Blog*Spot. I have heard wonderful appraisals for DifferentHost. So I should be moving pretty soon. However, I have not thought of what new domain name I should get. Anyone can offer some suggestions to help me out?

Thursday, March 28, 2002

//* CyberCup *//


If you like to play football computer games, check this out. CyberCup is a new 3D online soccer game on public beta trial.

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

//* Your problem *//

A friend sent me this interesting pic today :

Monday, March 25, 2002

//* Lazy Monday *//

Office is unusually quiet today. A number of people are on off and those at the office are just quietly sitting in their cubicles hacking away at their keyboards. The calmness is almost scary. It's Monday afternoon, a sleepy Monday afternoon. *yawn*

Sunday, March 24, 2002

//* Liverpool 1 - 0 Chelsea *//

Maybe it is because Liverpool has just luckily won against Chelsea and is now top of the English Premier League - it is 1.30am and I am still not feeling sleepy...hehe! As the commentator of the game said, to win the championship, you must win games you don't deserve to win. A massive win for Liverpool...yeah!!